Biyernes, Abril 12, 2013





E-commerce is sharing business information, maintaining business relationship and conducting business transaction by means of telecommunication network. It is conducting the exchange of information using a combination of structures and unstructured messages across the entire range of networking technologies.
The Internet’s WWW has been the prime driver of contemporary E-commerce. E-commerce enables organizations of all sizes and in all market sectors to improve their competitiveness.The Internet’s WWW has been the prime driver of contemporary E-commerce. E-commerce enables organizations of all sizes and in all market sectors to improve their competitiveness.
The Philippines E-Commerce sector is no doubt bustling in growth and potential. One thing I often get asked is “who are the most important people driving its growth?” Even today, some considerable time after the so called ‘dot com/Internet revolution’, electronic commerce (e-commerce) remains a relatively new, emerging and constantly changing area of business management and information technology. There has been and continues to be much publicity and discussion about e-commerce. Library catalogues and shelves are filled with books and articles on the subject. However, there remains a sense of confusion, suspicion and misunderstanding surrounding the area, which has been exacerbated by the different contexts in which electronic commerce is used, coupled with the myriad related buzzwords and acronyms. This book aims to consolidate the major themes that have arisen from the new area of electronic commerce and to provide an under-standing of its application and importance to management. In order to understand electronic commerce it is important to identify the different terms that are used, and to assess their origin and usage.
 According to the editor-in-chief of  International Journal of Electronic Commerce , Vladimir Zwass, ‘Electronic commerce is sharing business information, maintaining business relationships and conducting business transactions by means of telecommunications networks’. He maintains that in its purest form, electronic commerce has existed for over 40 years, originating from the electronic transmission of messages during the Berlin airlift in 1948.From this, electronic data inter change (EDI) was the next stage of e-commerce development. In the 1960s a cooperative effort between industry groups produced a first attempt at common electronic data formats. The formats,  however , were only for purchasing, transportation and finance data, and were used primarily for intra-industry transactions.


                                                MS. JANET TORAL
Janet Toral is a practicing e-commerce, social media, and Internet marketing specialist, Trainer, Blogger, policy lobbyist, and Entrepreneur, Educator, Researcher, Writer, Ambassador, Community Leader, Business Leader and “MOTHER of E-commerce Law in the Philippines.
E-commerce Boot Camp is an advocacy of Janette Toral that aims to help Filipinos aspiring to become e-commerce entrepreneurs. This is the round of their free e-commerce work shop series. The first one happened in 2013 that gathered 3000 participants online and supplement in 2004 with the e-commerce workshop in Manila and Cebu. 
Janette Toral is the author of Blogging from Home,, E-commerce Workshop E-book co-author/editor of the Philippine Internet Review:10 Years of Internet History (1994-2004), and DigitalFilipino: An E-commerce Guide for the Filipino.
She has published 14 research reports tackling Internet, e-commerce, online banking, IT manpower, outsourcing, mobile phone usage, IT adoption developments in the country. She renders consulting work in the area of Internet marketing by designing and managing advertisement placements in blogs, social networks, social media, websites, and 3rd party advertising placement engines. She owns two professional online communities, where knowledge sharing and business matching are usually conducted, the Club and Philippine Software Process Improvement Network. She regularly conducts training on e-learning, e-mail marketing, Internet advertising, blogging, online payment, website marketing, e-commerce project planning, software process improvement, requirements management, and software project management. Janette Toral is a certified SCRUM Master. She co-produced and hosted the Podcastback in 2006. It was considered the first podcast in the Philippines that had commercial sponsors supporting it. She is the ambassador of the Philippine School Cyberfair Competition. She is the founder of the Philippine Internet Commerce Society, where she served as president for 5 years (1997-2002), and lobbied for the passage of the Y2K Law and E-Commerce Law (Republic Act 8792).


When they told to us that we are having E-commerce Seminar in Quezon City and Enchanted Kingdom in Laguna. ” WOW ” another payment again L…When they announced that this event will be on March 15, 2013. I called my PAPA to sincerely ask their permission that I want to join and I want to be part of this event.
The day before the trip to Manila I already prepared all the things I need, my clothes, my shoes, my  pocket money and of course myself.
Icy told me that if I wanted to, I could sleep at her house together with her family so I agreed. Icy and I went to school at exactly one o’clock in the morning of March 15. That day all the students of A.I.E College gathered together in school for the trip to Manila. After an hour of waiting the bus finally came. “Yes “, this was where the journey was going to begin.
We arrived in Manila and we headed to Crossroad, Quezon City where our E-Commerce seminar was held. Our speaker was Mrs. Janet Toral. After listening we ate our lunch and we went to our next destination which was Enchanted Kingdom in Laguna. We arrived at Enchanted Kingdom after and hour and a half.
We were all excited to ride as many as we could because we only had a couple of hours to enjoy so we really have to rushed. It was really fun and enjoy ! The time came when it was time to go home. We loaded up on the bus and at that time we had our dinner. We headed back home left with the good and educational memories from our E-Commerce Boot camp seminar..  “ worth it ang mahabang byahe tapos worth it din and pagod  :) :) :).. TWO THUMPS UP (y) !!

                                      " TAKEN DURING E-COMMERCE SEMINAR "

                                           "TAKEN INSIDE & OUTSIDE THE BUS "